How much are your rental fees?
Rental fees start as low as $6/week per piece. Rental fees are based on a percentage of the purchase price, and range between $6 - $75 per week, or $18 - $220 per month.
Are the works also for sale?
Yes. Everything we carry is available for rent or purchase. If you start off renting and later decide to purchase, we will credit up to 3 months of paid rental fees towards a purchase.
How do I rent from Druh Ireland Art Rental & Sales?
Browse through our online gallery. Use the online booking form. Close a duration and a time to pick up your painting(s). Proceed to payment from the shopping cart.
How long can I rent the art for?
You can rent a painting for as little as one week. Other rental options are monthly, or several months at a time. The price per month is reduced when you book multiple months in advance. The maximum rental term is 6 months, though the term can be renewed indefinitely. You can rent as long as you like, however please keep in mind that we only credit up to 3 months of rental fees towards a purchase, regardless of how long you have been renting.
How do I pay for my art rental or purchase?
The online booking form will take you to a check-out page where you will have the option to pay with a credit card or a debit card.
Can I pay by e-transfer?
Yes. Please contact me so I can process your order and reserve your paintings.
I'm with a film production. Can I pay with a company cheque?
Yes. Film productions can pay by cheque. Please contact me so I can process your order and reserve your paintings. There will be a $40 fee for any cheques returned NSF.
I'm staging my home for sale. Can I rent art for that?
Yes. Art rental is a great fit for home staging with rentals done on a weekly or monthly basis.
What if I want to purchase the art I'm renting?
We will credit up to 3 months of paid rental fees towards the purchase price.
Do you install the artwork?
Please contact me if you would like me to visit your site to install specific paintings. There will be a $100 fee for on-site service.
What about insurance?
Clients are responsible for the work while it is in their care. This can be covered by your home or office's contents insurance, and it is the responsibility of the client to ensure that the value of the artwork is included therein.
Can I try out various paintings before I make a final decision to rent or purchase?
Please contact me if you would like to 'test-drive' a few specific paintings prior to making a decision.
Can I come browse your artworks in person?
I am not currently doing any studio visits. If you would like to see several paintings in person before booking or buying, please contact me and we can arrange this.